Lunchtime Talk: Ken McGuire, Rule 3(10) Hearings

Rule 3(10) of the Employment Appeal Tribunal Rules 2003 allows a party who has been refused permission to appeal to have an oral hearing in the EAT to ‘renew’ the application.  A Rule 3(10) hearing gives the prospective appellant a ‘second chance’ of persuading the EAT that an appeal is arguable and should be allowed to progress to a full hearing.  Ken McGuire will explore how best to prepare for and present a Rule 3(10) application in the EAT.  This will be of interest to advocates instructed under the SEALAS scheme and more generally to advocates instructed to appear at a Rule 3(10) hearing.

This Lunchtime Talk will be delivered by Ken McGuire, in the Mackenzie Building, streamed to Glasgow (Consultation Buildings) and on Microsoft Teams. If you wish to attend in-person please ensure to note any dietary requirements by Wednesday 17 April as lunch will be provided. 

This talk will attract 1hr Advocacy CPD. 

4/23/2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
GMT Summer Time

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